Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dance Review 2013

I looked forward to this year because I knew Emilee and Gracie participated in a lot more dances than in previous years. Once again we had the privilege of having Diana and Brandon and G&G Hillesheim come to watch. The best part, is Diana's girls love to watch their cousins dance and my kids love it when they come!  They also stayed the night before. It's always nice to have that time to visit.

The day before the review was the dress rehearsal, so they spent the entire day going through their numbers. Diana and I came back and forth and watched. Later on in the evening, we met up with my parents for dinner at the Coppermill. This was a lot of fun...we basically had the restaurant to ourselves.  After we were through eating, I headed over to the theater to help the girls with their hair and make-up. As I was finishing up, I realized Gracie wasn't in her costume like the rest of the girls.....

Her costumes had been left at home and the curtain went up in 40 min!!! I had what could be compared to a mild heart attack.  I had been home 3 times that day, and I had sworn Emilee picked up Gracie's costumes with her dress bags. You have to understand, I don't forget these things. I am so anal about laying everything out and checking again and again that everything is there. I felt horrible and I could tell by looking at Gracie, that she felt like everything was falling apart...EPIC FAIL mom! Yes, I definitely deserved Mother of the Year at this point. Her first dance number was 10 minutes into the review. I got on my phone and told Delon he better head home and grab Gracie's costumes. (We live 25 minutes away). Of course I told him this was life and death...the pressure was on and he had to save the day. I can't even explain how sick I felt.

He literally pulled up out back, 1 1/2 minutes before she went on. I shoved her into her costume and gently pushed her backstage...with 30 seconds to spare. I ran up to my seat and sat down just as the lights went up.

The review was amazing and so fun to watch! Emilee did awesome and Gracie was having the time of her life...

 Backstage with G&G Hillesheim

 Typical Emilee :) Messin' around.

Great job my tiny dancers!!


JW (just wondering) said...

It was simply AMAZING!!! Beautiful girls!
Good job Delon!
It really is fun to watch these girls dance and have fun themselves.

JW (just wondering) said...

It was simply AMAZING!!! Beautiful girls!
Good job Delon!
It really is fun to watch these girls dance and have fun themselves.