Happy Birthday Haydn

Yes, those are matches...Gracie and Jake were playing with the candles and broke half of them!

Look at the intensity in my kids' faces....it's like they haven't eaten in days. Either that or they've never seen fire before.

My reader....love it!

New shoes

More books
This year Haydn didn't really ask to do much for his birthday. But he did ask for homemade pizza and chocolate cake...so that's what he got! Haydn loves to read so I got him a few books to add to his collection. One thing that was a bit of a surprise to me though, was how big his feet were. I went to get him some new shoes and had to buy a 7 in Men's. My kids have big feet. Let's just hope that means my boys will be taller than 5'7" and my girls taller than 5'5".....I can always hope. Anyway, Haydn is probably, out of all my kids, the most difficult to "figure" out. But I can always count on Haydn and I know he wants to do well at everything. The last year or so I have noticed Haydn's love for our family in a lot of the little things he does. I'm grateful for him and hope that he can see how incredible he is. Happy Birthday Haydn...we love you!! (Haydn's Birthday is actually May 19...I'm just falling behind)
Haydn, you are the best!! I always enjoy your sneaky sense of humor and your grown-up questions. Amy, he is a great kid and will only get better. Happy Birthday again Haydn!!
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