Sisters and Friends...obviously thought we were done taking the picture.

Jake and Gracie dancing during the magical hour at California Adventure. ( We were able to spend an hour with about 200 other people at the park after it closed!)

Painted faces...so cute!

Gracie and Tinkerbell

Gracie, Emilee and Pixie Hollow Fairies

Me, the boys and Mickey...

Imagine that, Gracie and Tinkerbell again!

Family Photo...a little blurry. All the Christmas deco was up, it was so pretty!

All of us girls...with red-eye. Can't seem to get rid of it!

The boys on Bugs Life ride

Grumpy Bugs!!

The boys with their cousin Zach

Brother-in-Law , Pa, sang with this quartet...pretty cool! My sister Brooke performed with them earlier that day in front of everyone. They asked her to come up and sing.

The girls...Gracie, her cousin Lily, and Kenzee and Kaylee, our friend's twin daughters.

Yeah, a peaceful moment!

Merry-go-round...Jake loved it!

Gracie and the Princess Castle...she wanted to stay there!

Splash Mountain...scared Riley, it was funny to see his face!

The whole family!! My mom made shirts for all the grandkids with their favorite Disney character!
Nov. 10th we left with my entire family for Disneyland. It's a sort of Christmas present from my parents...and a way to get all of us together at the same time in the same place for longer than 2 hrs. We had so much fun, despite the occasional whining kid and frustrated parent. Disneyland has always been a favorite of my mom's, and I have a lot of good memories from there with my family. We also ventured into California Adventure...which I have grown to love even more. There was definitely a lot of walking, standing in line, tired cranky kids, expensive food, begging for unnecessary toys....blah , blah , blah. But in the end , the only things I really remember from this trip are the moments I laughed so hard with my sisters I thought I'd pee my pants, or knowing that my brother and brother-in-laws get along well and that the cousins couldn't wait to see each other every morning. Or even the fact that I love to ride Thunder Mountain in the dark, that I hate churros but love the frozen lemonade, and pushing a stroller with two kids and 50 lbs. of "crap" is not my idea of "strolling". Nevertheless, I got to spend time with the people I love most, the people who are most important in my life. So whether we're in Disneyland stuck on Indiana Jones, again...waiting 45 min. for a 2min. ride, we were there together, helping each other along the way, crying, laughing and screaming. Now these are memories!!
It looks like you had a great time! What great memories you made, and your right all the other stuff will fade and you'll only remember the laughter and the fun! Glad you had a fun time. I wonder what Emilee will blog about now- maybe a count down to Christmas!
There are so many great memories about this trip. I hope the kids remember for a long time. I hope the parents I had as much fun. Be thinking what we can do next as a family of Hillesheim progeny. I am thinking something close during a summer time for two to three days or more. It is fun seeing all the pics on the internet about the trip. Thanks Amy!!
Thanks for the words and boy you do have a way with them. You should be a writer. I feel the same way, it is vIrtually impossible to have that many people go somewhere like DISNEYLAND FOR 5-6 DAYS and not have a whining kid or two., or some one get cranky once or twice. So even with that, it was wonderful and wouldn't trade the experience for anything. These are the kinds of things that the little cousins will never forget, or the adults!! Loved everyday of it!! Love my family and love everything that goes with it, because it proves we are all normal.LOL Love you!!
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