My sister Wendy had vampire teeth she slipped on for this picture. I was blinking, it makes the picture much more intense than I intended.

Me on the famous Ducati bike that Edward bought, but gave to Jasper.

All of us

Ok, my sisters talked me into taking an energy drink...never had one before.

The famous hands on the cover of Twilight...except with a candied apple. They were good.

Mmmm, I want to drink your blood!

My sisters Brooke, Natalie and Wendy

Red Chocolate fondue

Candied apples

Me and the man of the hour...he's a lot stiffer in person!

My official Twilight Premiere Pass

Hotel room, we also had a living room and kitchen.

All us girls right before we left for the night!
Well, it has come and gone quickly. But what a great time we had! Thursday night (20th) I headed down to Salt Lake to hook up with my sisters, mom and friend from CA. We all attended the Twilight Premiere Event where they had a special midnight showing of the movie. To start off the night we all went to get pedicures, although, I ended up with just a manicure of "blood-red" nail polish, which I thought was appropriately called, "Dazzling Red." Then we dropped by the Olive Garden for a little "bite" to eat. I had the Mushroom Ravioli...sooo good. After dinner we went to check-in to the Hotel. We figured since the movie was so late we'd come back to a Hotel and hang out. After we checked in and freshened up, we headed over to the main event. When we got there they had a Red Carpet photo-op, an appetizer buffet...complete with red chocolate fondue, candied apples and much more. There were several different booths, all of which were the sponsors for the event. Jewelry, T-shirts, Ducati bikes, Cold Stone Ice Cream, photo booths...lots of picture opportunities. They even had vampire make-overs....no thanks. Finally, at about 11:30, they started letting everyone in for the movie...with reserved seats... it was nice not to have to scramble for a good seat. Once we got into the theater they handed out gift bags complete with gift cards, a Twilight hat, treats and popcorn. Now of course, once the lights began to dim and the movie started, there was a lot of screaming. I had been anticipating this movie and was very curious as to how it could possibly fit all the great moments into a two hour time slot, though we all know, the movie is never as good as the book. I was very pleasantly surprised. Although, I have to mention, I started to feel very sick within the last hour of the movie and worried more about whether or not I was going to throw-up on the person in front of me, than how the movie was. I was a little frustrated with the whole situation and went and saw it again with one of my sisters first thing Friday morning. This was a good thing and a whole new experience. For those of you who've seen the movie, it's even better the second time around. I thought, although reading the book is a much better experience, the movie incorporated all the critical moments, and I was very happy with the way Edward and Bella were portrayed. When you take into account the small budget for the movie, it really is amazing some of the great shots they got...all without CGI's. And I appreciate that the vampires have more human-like qualities than in other films... they were believable. And it doesn't hurt that the movie has a great soundtrack. When all was said and done, this night was a good memory for me. Not just because of the anticipation over the last two or three months, but because I was able to spend time with people that I love who all share the same opinion and excitement for a great book, a good movie and a fun time.
Does Edward "dazzle" me? Of course he does... but I'm old enough to know better and know that he's a character in a book, a great book nonetheless, but just a character. It's always fun to escape reality, even if it is just two hours. Thanks to Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart for bringing our favorite characters to life! And to Stephenie Meyer for a great ride!