Haydn's birthday was on the 19th. He is now 8 yrs. old and I can't believe it! I remember the day he was born...like it was yesterday. He was a beautiful baby, so sweet and mild mannered. He never cried and always smiled. Now he is maybe not so mild mannered, but is a wonderful big brother. Haydn is such a smart and curious child and I love that he likes to learn and ask so many questions. We are grateful to have Haydn in our family and we are glad that he is excited to be baptized. What a blessing it is to be a member of the church. Happy Birthday Haydn!!
Haydn is such a cute kid. You will have to watch him...Your back deck looks awesome too. See I had no idea that was done and I live practically next door. We need to go camping when school is out! We could have some killer campfire stories with Ty and Delon!
Haydn is so handsome! I can't believe he is getting baptized! My twins will be baptized next year...they grow way too fast, don't they!?! Good luck with the baptism!
Haydn is so cute and he is such a sweet boy! I can't believe he's 8 already!
Haydn, you are looking so grown up. Eight already!!! We love you so much are we are so proud of you for wanting to be baptized. We hope you had a great birthday. Hope you enjoyed your presents. Can't wait to see you at the baptism. we are very excited for you. Love you lots- Grandma and Grandpa Hillesheim xoxoxox
Please tell me time doesn't go faster the more kids you have! Seriously, isn't it crazy that we're holding them one minute and chasing them the next? Haydn is so handsome... watch out ladies!!!
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