Emilee, my little gangsta'...Haydn a werewolf...Riley a skeleton...Gracie the Frog Princess...and Jake my little vampire. I left Jake's eyes red, I thought it was appropriate with his costume. :)

This was Jake by the end of the night...

Riley after trunk- or- treating

Vampire and skeleton ...

The Gang
Halloween was a little different for our family this year. Out in Lewiston there is no trick-or-treating...just trunk-or-treating. Which is, ok...but I still find it a little lame. And for the last two years there has been an Aggie basketball game on Halloween. Our family loves to do the games, so of course we went, but I took the kids into town first to get their candy stash. Halloween is just not like it used to be...
Dang, this is so much fun to see these pics. I know what you mean about Halloween. Not quite the same. Hope the Aggies won. Love watching these kids grow up.
Your kids look cute and so crazy grown up!
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