At the beginning of the day Jake was not willing to go on a lot of rides, but by the end....well, I think you get the picture.

Space shot...kiddie style

Ok, so I swore I had these stupid log rides down...how to maneuver so I don't get soaked,the best place to sit, and when to stand instead of sit. I was obviously wrong....

On the Train....shortest ride of my life.

Cowboy up...

This ride was crazy! Thought this was a sweet shot of Delon and the kids :)

Giant spider...

What?!....Delon at the 3 point challenge?...no way! He NEVER does this.

He did it every time we walked by...funny how he doesn't have a problem wasting money on stuff like this. :)

Poor Gracie thought that once we got on this little tram ride, we'd have to jump from the top...you should have seen me trying to get her on. Wow!

Emilee and Haydn, bottom left hand corner.

Delon and Riley...Delon is in the white long sleeved top, Riley is hiding next to him.

My little sailor...

Carousel....a must no matter what carnival or park we're at.

Zebra style...

So our kids convinced us they needed to go to Lagoon. Lagoon is obviously never a "need", but nonetheless we went. It's been a very long time since I have been there. Not much had changed really, but it's definitely a different experience going with 5 kids. I think the trip was a good break for everyone. We really had a good time and the weather was perfect!