New shoes...he may like shoes as much as I do!

Cheese balls from Grandma

Watching Haydn open his presents

Honestly, out of everything Haydn received, I believe this was one of his favorite. A mini whoopee cushion!

Jake loved the basketball pillow...too bad it's not for him.

Nine years old!!

Waiting for cake

Blowing out "the" candle. I'm all for fire safety. :)
Haydn is my silent but deadly one...of course by that I mean he may not seem very outgoing, but he loves to learn and is very smart. He's always reading, asking questions, creating and does things every day that surprise me. We love you Haydn!!
(As you can tell, these were obviously taken before the haircut...with the shadow behind his head looks huge!)
We love Hayden too!! He is really a smart guy. I knew it the minute I heard him using his imagination one day about four years ago. He is definitely going to be able to do a lot of things. Must be in the genes.
Aren't birthdays so much fun??? It's kind of a bitter-sweet moment I think. He is one handsome boy by the way. I love "the" candle and the cake is very cute!
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