Me, Diana (sis), Robin, Lisa, Natalie (sis) in front of Hotel Le Meridien

On the pier...Lori came to visit us while we were there. We've known her and her family forever. It was a lot of fun to see her.

Me and Robin...and our windblown look

Family pic

After the race in our hotel room...

Lisa and Robin...they're sisters too!

The 3 Amigos after the race...

Cheesecake Factory 'night before

All of the girls enjoying a little pasta and cheesecake.

Mmmm, it always tastes better when you aren't the one preparing it...oh, and when you've just walked 10 miles around the city!!

Me and Robin

Bowtie pasta, mushrooms and parmesan crusted chicken....are you hungry yet? This was the best I've eaten in a while.
I had an amazing time the last weekend of July. I took off to San Francisco to run a half with 2 sisters and 2 friends. This was a trip I had been looking forward to since April...I'm from that area of California and love to go back.
We all trained pretty hard for this race, but knew this would be a great experience no matter what the outcome...fortunately we all did really well, especially considering all of the hills on the course.
It was incredible running across the Golden Gate Bridge...never realized how long it was. For me it was very familiar and relaxing to smell the ocean and run along the water. (I belong by the water...too bad I live in a desert). But the best part of the weekend was sharing this experience with friends and family. I feel like we're all a little closer because of what we've done together and how we've grown. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but I believe we are all better and more confident runners because of this race. I know I've learned to be thankful for all of these great opportunities.
I was lucky to do something I love, all while taking in everything San Francisco had to offer...and yes, that includes Ghirardelli chocolate!