Thursday, March 26, 2009

Metal Mouth, Train Tracks, Tin Grin.....

Call it what you want...Emilee is now partial to those terms! She's actually glad to finally have her braces on, even though the first night has been a rough one. It's funny, she almost looks older to me with them on.  I caught a picture of her right after her appt. You can see by her choice of elastic colors, she was not going for the subtle approach. :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

11 years

      Delon and I celebrated our anniversary on the 20th. He asked me what I wanted to do and I said,"How 'bout you come up with an idea this time? And maybe be a little creative."  Ok, so that sounds a little cruel.....but he definitely got the message. Honestly, I'm the type that will enjoy a very simple weekend or even a night out. I don't need much. 

So later on in the week he told me to be ready on Fri. @ 4:30. Didn't tell me much at all actually...we left for Ogden, ate at the Timbermine and stayed up the canyon at The Alaskan Inn. He even requested chocolate covered strawberries and rose petals....awww. I know, are you sick yet? Anyway, I just have to tell Delon that I'm grateful for all of the effort and thought he put into the weekend. (He's learning quickly)  :) I love you Delon, and can't wait for the next 11 yrs!

And the winner is.....

The winning car...

The top four...Carson, Zach, Haydn and Ty

Pretty proud of his car.

The track....built circa 1812

...Haydn!!  (and much to our surprise). On the 18th the scouts had their Pinewood Derby. This was Haydn's first derby, so we were a little wary of making his car. Delon didn't know much as far as secrets and tips for a race-worthy car...nor did he ever win any of his races growing up! So we were off to a rough start.  But with a little research, Delon and Haydn put together a winning car. I must say, Haydn's car definitely wasn't one of the most should have seen some of these other car designs, I was really impressed! But it made for a good time and Haydn really seemed to enjoy it.  I think he's actually looking forward to next year!