Enjoying their cupcakes..

Preparing to blow out the candles

Riley lost his first tooth during the party

Emilee's American Girl Doll....Bella

Haydn's favorite thing to do , eat junk!

Anne of Green Gables...the movie

Dig in!
Emilee had her birthday on the 3rd. I can't believe she is 10 yrs old already. She didn't ask for much, just another American Girl doll. I wanted to give her a few other things that I enjoyed around her age....Anne of Green Gables, the book and movie, and Pride and Prejudice, the young adult version. Emilee loves to read and I intend to give her all of my favorite books. It's one thing I really want to encourage and thankfully, she already loves to read! Emilee has really been a great kid and a good example to her parents. And I'm sure I can count on her to make good decisions and most importantly enjoy life....that's one thing she's never had a problem with. You come to a point while your children are growing up, that you do a lot of reminiscing and looking back with fondness on your days as a child. You notice the ways they try to become independent or try to find out where they shine....and you remember everything you went through and hope that in some small way, you can make the trip a little easier for them. Last but not least, I have a wonderful husband who never fails to remind me that I could be a grandma in another 10 yrs. (I prefer not to focus on that part). But I am very grateful for Emilee and all she contributes to our family. Happy Birthday Emilee!!!